The MGF, and later the TF too, was the UK’s bestselling two-seat sports car every full year of availability during its production period and the fact so many have survived in good working order over a quarter of a century after first appearing, does rather pour water on many guides that have largely negative reviews that are often rooted in the past and so can be misleading. The MGF was available from September 1995 and production continued until the end of 2001 with 77,269 car being produced. The MG TF was introduced in 2002 as the successor of the MGF. Production dates are a bit more complicated with MG Rover production ending in 2005 with 39,249 cars built, then MG Motor UK (Owned by Chinese company SAIC Motor) re-introduced the model in 2008. 500 TF LE500 models were produced alongside, 350 basic 135 spec cars, and 50 85th anniversary models, MG Motor TF production officially ended in April 2011, but the actual last batch of cars was built the previous May with a total of less than 1000 cars for all MG Motor variants.

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